“Courage is what it takes to stand upand speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
Winston Churchill
Public speaking has both personal and professional advantages, and in many industries, it is required. But, before speaking in front of a gathering, have you experienced your digestive system slowing down, your mouth gets dry, you feel butterflies in your stomach, hungerfades, your pulse and heart rate accelerate and your breathing becomesshallower, lose hearing, or have tunnel vision in serious circumstances. Often,you may not be aware of such individual physical reactions, but you could sayyou are uncomfortable whenever you get up in front of a crowd. In addition, you could find yourself intensely worried with your proposals or your executionbeing criticized.
The good news is that you can follow10 easy steps to make public speaking more enjoyable and appear confident infront of your audience. Such tips are useful for managing stage fear and other physical elements of public speaking. There are 10 tips in total, divided intoeither prior to the talk or during the talk.
Things To Do Before Your Speech
1. Know your topic and audience
First step in creating aspeech is to decide what to talk about and the audience being addressed. Theworld is full of probable speech topics. Your challenge is to choose the bestone for you and your audience Beginner speakers sometimes find this hard.Although, it does not take special skills or long study hours to find asubject. Ultimately, you will find circumstances where you would say,"That would make a good speech topic," when you become a more seasoned speaker. Write down and file these thoughts to relate to them lateron. Make sure you speak for a few minutes, and use that time to completely build a single facet of the greater subject. Make sure the subject is promptand important to your audience and ascertain the argument to be made until you know your subject well.
2. Frequent practice is the mostimportant thing you can do to conquer your nervousness
“Practicing" means giving your whole speech standing up, out loud and in the tone of voice thatyou would use with a timer in front of people. It is awkward at first topractice out loud at home, but it gets better instantly. Do this in front of amirror, then for a mate, colleague or to your better half. In addition tohelping, you iron out your nerves, engage with wider and more importantaudiences. This is a fantastic way to get input and build confidence on yourtalk resonating with people.
3. Arrive 30 minutes before to the venue youwill be delivering the speech at
Whenyou walk up, knowing what the room looks like and how it is set out, it givesless to digest and care about. For the last out-loud training, being able toimagine yourself onstage really helps. If possible, do a rehearsal with a micand a slide setup. Then, during the final show, you would not be surprised tohear yourself amplified, confused by the device for progressing slides or bebaffled in front of others. Plus, you will have some muscle memory to draw onfrom, once again. For most conventions, big presenters have an opportunity torehearse. People do not usually get this chance in breakout spaces, but you canvisit the room in advance of your speech.
4. Breathe
The only autonomic body systemyou can regulate is breathing and this can consciously have a soothing effect.But, about five minutes before going onstage, or between those waves ofadrenaline, work on calming yourself for about a minute. You will learn thatthis benefits the entire body. Try it a minute later, or as appropriate, again.
5. Eat and drink - a little - in advance
Adrenaline inhibits yourappetite. But eat a little bit, or you could get jittery from malnutrition. Itis also important to be vigilant about caffeine, as it will feed youradrenaline reflex, and make you visit the washroom more frequently. Do notdrink more coffee, tea, or soda than you would usually do. Adrenaline leavesyour mouth dry, therefore you will be tempted to drink a lot. However, youmight want to cut down the intake of fluids, as it can make you conscious.Since you do not want to get dehydrated, sipping water is fine, making sure notto overdrink the entire time you are onstage.
During Your Talk
6. Speak with confidence
Sometimes, speakers areaware that the listener understands they are anxious. So, they do this toaccept what everyone sees clearly and nobody knows how you feel if you do notsay it. In comparison, members of the crowd are there to gain more about you(selfishly), and they secretly cheer for you (generously). They want you to dowell, as it will serve them and allow their perceptual biases to see you asoptimistic. In your throat or dry mouth, they cannot sense or see thebutterflies. So, they appreciate you being onstage. By throwing out theinternal story of your nerves, tackle them where they are.
7. Take time and speak at a normalpace
Not only does adrenalinemake you rush or speak too fast, it makes it impossible for the crowd tounderstand you, and will throw you off your game. To make things worse, as aspeaker, you live on a different time scale than your audience: the sluggishpace and excruciatingly long delays you sense will feel perfectly natural toeveryone else. But you have to focus on your pace. Finally, you should have asense of where you should be three slides in or after five minutes depending onif you worked with a timer. You know it is time to slow down if you are runningahead of schedule.
8. Stance
During a talk, you willoften stand still as you speak, usually during your opening and closing wordsor when you make a significant point, and you assuming this position shows yourlevel of comfort and trust. But your audience assumes you are timid and frailif you slouch your shoulders and lock your eyes with the floor. You lookanxious and nervous if you adjust your weight constantly from one foot toanother, and your audience can be confused by your movement. But if you standupright, feet slightly apart with your weight equally spread on each foot, andlook at your audience directly, you express confidence and poise.
9. Maintain good eye contact withyour audience
Eye communication playsa significant role in how individuals view each other, and as a speaker youshould particularly pay attention to it. Your audience will think you aregenuine, trustworthy, polite, and truthful if you make eye contact with them.Such emotions have a huge influence on the message and the listeners'willingness to take it.
Eye contact encouragesyou to build a connection with your audience. You demand their attention bystaring at them and they would have trouble ignoring you. Look at theindividuals directly in the room while you speak. Refrain from only lookingaround the room, look at one individual directly before finishing a thought,then move on to another individual. Randomly make eye contact in the roominstead of oscillating your head from side to side. Look at the people in theback of the audience as well as the people in front. Be careful not to stare atanyone for too long. You might make the person nervous.
10. At the end, leave a take homemessage, not an apology
In conclusion, theultimate opportunity to express the message and important ideas in a way thatwill make the listener recall them is to validate your thoughts and leave alasting impact on listeners. You may finish by providing the audience with adescription of the ideas discussed in the body of the expression. If youconvinced or inspired the crowd to take some initiative, you might say thatlisteners could take a course of action. A final comment, such as a challenge,question, anecdote, or quote, may then be inferred.
Occasionally, you mightrecall what you forgot to mention earlier when the conclusion was delivered. Itmay confuse the viewer to add fresh material in the closing so try to avoid thedesire to talk about it. Do not apologise during the discussion for somethingyou may or may not have done or said. Finish forcibly and comfortably.
~Theart of communication is the language of leadership~
References: https://www.toastmasters.org/