If you are looking foran advanced test management tool instead of Testlink, I havefound an outstanding solution from Gurock Software. Unlike TestLink, this isnot a freeware. But, it has all the features that you expect from a testmanagement tool. TestRail is a web-based test case management tool whichenables monitoring, evaluating and organising software testing efforts. In thisarticle, I would like to discuss few main features, benefits and basiccomponents of TestRail.
Main benefitsof TestRail
· Organisetest cases and test suits
· Mange testruns and report issues on the go
· Trackingtest results
· Distributetest reports
· Boosttesting productivity
· Trackingtest progress

· Add testcases or import test cases via xml, csv file
· Createmilestone and add test plans to the milestone
· Create Testruns by including testcases
· IssueTracker integration - TestRail can be integrated with bugzilla, GitHub, JIRA,Mantis, Pivotal, LightHouse etc. This helps to report and link issues to atestcase
· Track progressof Test execution in every aspect
· TestRailplugin to the JIRA – Using this plugin user can link the requirement (JIRAticket) to the test case. On the other hand, requirement (JIRA ticket) showsall the relevant testcases within the story
· Customisable& graphical interpretation of test reports.
TestRail Dashboard viewenables users to have an overview of their projects. ToDos, Project milestones,Recent Activities and Graphical Interpretation of Test runs are the keyfeatures.

Note: formore information about ToDo and Milestone, see below sections"Milestone" and "ToDo"
Test Cases
Users are allowed tocreate testcases and testsuits. Key features of TestRail – Test Cases sectionare,
· it enablesto rearrange test cases between test suits (sections)
· move andcopy test cases between test suits or test projects
· customisetest case templates
· estimate thetime for each individual test case
· attachingfiles to the test case
· importtestcases in csv or xml formats
· ‘Tests andresults’, ‘defects’ and ‘history’ of a particular test case can be monitored
· markdownoptions (E.g. **Bold** - two asterisks before and after a text will bold yourtext).

Hint: In asection (Testsuit), group testcases by application modules or functional areas,not by product version or testing types.
Test Runs andResults
Test Runs and Resultssection helps users to perform a test run prior to a software release andobtain the test result. Key features of TestRail – Test Runs and Resultssection are,
Add Test Run
· Assign testrun to particular users
· Attach amilestone to the test run
· Select allor specific test cases to the test run, based on selected criteria. (E.g. highpriority test cases)
Execute TestRun and Result
· Execute thetest and add test result (E.g. Passed, Failed, Blocked, Retest)
· Report testexecution time
· Report bugsrelate to a Test case into an integrated bug tracking tool (E.g. JIRA)
· Email, Printor Export (in xml or csv format) test result
Add Test Plan
· Add a testplan (collection of test runs) to group test runs
· Attach amilestone to the test plan
· Addconfigurations (E.g. browsers or OS) to a test plan

TestRail allowsadministrators to integrate an issue tracking tool (e.g. JIRA). Afterintegration is done “Test runs and Results” section allows users to,
· push (link)details from Test result to the JIRA story and
· add a newbug in JIRA instantly.
Also, the ‘References’section under “Test Cases” section allows users to,
· Link JIRA stories(requirements) to the particular test case.

· User can usemilestone to separate releases
· User can seta start and end date to a milestone
· User canassign the milestone to a test run or test plan

ToDo represents anindividual task for each member of a test team. Administrator (Test Lead) canassign tests to members of test team.

There are a lot ofoverview charts available within the each section (Milestone, Test run andResults, Test cases, Defects, Activities). For additional reporting options,TestRail facilitates various types of customisable reports. Few examples areshown below.
· MilestoneReport
· WorkloadSummary
· User canassign the milestone to a test run or test plan
· DefectReport
· CoverageReport
· ActivityReport etc.
Few other features ofTestrail reports are,
· user can setaccess permission of their customised reports
· user canschedule a test report to generate regular basis
· user canprint, download or email reports.

ToolComparison – TestLink Vs TestRail

Here is the list of advantagesof TestRail over TestLink.
· TestRailinterprets real time testing progress. Also, it enables editing tests during atest run. Testlink cannot do the same
· TestRail hasa JIRA plugin that can be used to monitor test progress within JIRA
· TestRailsallows to Clone Tests between projects and TestLink doesn’t
· TestRailallows batch operations (cloning, editing, deletion etc.)
· TestRail hasa advanced reporting module over Testlink. Customisable reports, dashboardgraphs and schedule reports you can only fine in TestRail
· TestRailprovides both cloud and on-premise access while Testlink doesn’t support cloud.
· TestRailhelps Taskboards, which is a great help to an agile team. But, Testlink doesn’thave Taskboard facility.
· SinceTestRail is a commercial Tool, it has wide support and service. But a freewarelike Testlink doesn’t.
Hope you learntsomething new and useful by reading this post! Stay tuned for more QA relatedblog posts.